Conferences & Invited Speaker
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Past Events
May, 2023
December, 2022
“Introduction to social assistance in Indonesia”, Global Welfare Research, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
“Unmasking the social policy responses of COVID-19 in four Southeast Asian Nations: institutional patterns and policy adjustment”, Symposium on Social Change and Social Policy in the COVID-19 Context, Lingnan University, Hong Kong SAR.
October, 2022
“The evolution of welfare state policies in Indonesia: A comparative perspective”, Public Lecture Series 2 on Visiting Professor Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahidol University, Thailand.
October, 2022
“An alternative approach to policy change studies in the contemporary context”, Public Lecture Series 1 on Visiting Professor Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahidol University, Thailand.
June, 2022
“Path Creation in the study of social policy change” in the International Conference on East Asian Social Policy (EASP), Yonsei University, South Korea.
July, 2021
“Healthcare expansion and welfare regimes in Indonesia” in the International Conference on East Asian Social Policy (EASP), Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
August, 2018
“Bringing welfare society back in: Alternative policy paradigm in the digital age” in the international conference on ‘Population and Social Policy in a Disrupted World’, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
August, 2017
“Social policy and decommodification measures in developing countries: the case of Indonesian healthcare” in the International Conference on East Asian Social Policy (EASP), Nagoya University, Japan.